Ruby - Plush Vulva and Clitoris
Ruby Plush Vulva and Clitoris - MedAmour - USA
$99.99 $129.99
Meet Ruby the Plushy! Designed and created by April Davis from Haus of Vagina, she represents the entire vulva in a new and fabulous (and so soft and plushy) way.
It's Called a Vulva is April Davis' newest line of sex education tools, including Ruby, a plush vulva and clitoris meant to help sex educators, therapists, teachers and parents explain the full female anatomy, including the full anatomy of the clitoris. Ruby comes with important details - asymmetrical labia, furry exterior, holes for the urethra and vagina, and a fully separate clitoris, helping students understand where the clitoris fits within the vulva. Davis hopes it serves as a reminder of how incredible our bodies are. If you’re an educator, therapist, teacher or just a lover of vulvas – this plushy or 2-in-1 plushies are for you!
Height: 16 inches
Width: 12.5 inches
Depth: 5 inches
Designed and created by April Davis in lovely Utah, USA
vulva, plushy, plushie, plush, pillow